How to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts
How to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts

how to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts

Three views that can be accessed with the Shift + S shortcut. Hold the shift key and hover the mouse cursor over an element in the layout, and the net for that element will be highlighted. Occasionally if I’m presenting to a client, I’ll use this shortcut to point out where a specific net travels across a board, or to show the extent of a complicated polygon in a layout. Tracing nets around a complex layout can be difficult, and sometimes you just want to see where a net exists in the PCB layout. Net Highlighting (Shift + Hover Cursor Over a Net) You can then easily scan through different layers while avoiding clutter from multiple traces and polygons. I find this very convenient when inspecting a design as it can be used in Single-layer mode. It also will only cycle through the signal layers you have enabled in the View Configuration Panel.

how to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts

Note that this will only cycle through signal layers in your stackup it will not cycle through any of the mechanical layers, plane layers, or component layers. You can also cycle through layers in reverse using Shift + *. Pressing the ‘*’ key will cycle through your layers in the PCB layout. This is another of my favorite viewing shortcut keys. Layer Cycle (Use the * Key and Shift + *) The right view focuses on one layer only. The middle image omits everything except the plane layer you can even see the clearance around some vias on the plane layer. The left image shows the regular layout with multiple layers visible and the ground plane on the back layer (shown in blue). An example is shown below you can cycle through these three different views with the Shift + S shortcut key. I like to use this to focus on layout in a single layer and ignore anything that’s going on in all other layers.

how to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts

This is probably the quick viewing option I use most as I often need to focus on only a single layer. Here are the three viewing options I use most often in Altium Designer to stay organized and productive. When I’m scanning through a layout from one of my engineers, or when I’m trying to follow a long trace through a board, the view options in Altium Designer save me a ton of time and help prevent confusion in a dense layout. I’ll start with some of the basic viewing options needed to quickly scan through a complex PCB layout and how you can access these through the keyboard. Here are some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts and viewing options that help me stay productive, and I hope they can do the same for you. The other very useful set of features in Altium Designer are the view options, which help you focus on essential structures in the design. Altium Designer® keyboard shortcuts, and keyboard + mouse shortcuts, can help you easily walk through your PCB layout during design and as part of final checks during a design review. When you’re working through a complex PCB layout, it always helps to know the shortcuts you can use to stay productive.

How to export finale simple entry keyboard shortcuts